Saint Pius X
Roman Catholic Church
Religious Education
Religious education assists students in forming values and beliefs that are reflected in behaviors and communication. For example, when approached with an ethical or moral dilemma, people with religious education can reflect on the teachings of the church to make a decision that is in line with their values and beliefs.
Religious education is also important because the information prompts people to challenge ideas and questions about their purpose in life, their beliefs about God and what it means to co-exist with others in a peaceful environment. The knowledge offers guidance for how to behave in line with religious traditions and world views of the church, and often prompts people to put others before themselves and give back to the community through financial, physical and social support.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a celebration of the Liturgy of the Word in a manner related to the lives and experiences of children. It includes the same elements of the Liturgy of the Word as the main assembly including the readings, a reflection, the creed and prayers. All children are welcome and volunteers and parents too! The Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered at the 11:00 Mass and lasts about twenty minutes. The children return to the main assembly to rejoin their families at the Procession of the Gifts so that the congregation is united for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
If you are interested in volunteering with this ministry please contact the Parish Office at 205-762-2587. Please note that all volunteers must go through a formal screening process. The Children’s Liturgy of the Word runs from September - June (except on Christmas and Easter Sundays). Participation is free for everyone!
The first catechist in any child’s life are the family members with whom he or she lives. What happens in the child’s home, both positive and negative provides lessons for life. Faith should be shared in the family as part of your daily life. The church provides a real place in which a child learns to live the faith as well as understand the many parts of that faith.
The Catechism program is for children attending non-Catholic schools. The evening Catechism course is a continuous program from Grade 1-7. All children not in Catholic schools should attend all these grades. It is a program of continuing faith formation: students attend classes according to their age, and are expected to continue attending classes after they've celebrated their First Communion, up to their Confirmation.
Catechism class help build and strengthen faith in children. It fosters a god–centered curiosity in children. Religious education for children teaches the basic Catholic beliefs about the Ten Commandments, Sacraments and Prayers.
Our goal is to create a program of lifelong faith formation. It promotes growth in faith at home as well as in the church life.
Students at St Pius X have an opportunity to form their faith and to develop into an active Catholic.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.)
Are you curious about the Catholic Faith? Are you married to a Catholic and care to know more about the faith of your spouse? Or you have friends or family members attending Mass etc. and don't 'get it'! Maybe you stopped attending Mass a while back and are thinking about coming to church again?
RCIA is a process which prepares people for full initiation into the Catholic Church. If you have a curiosity or deepening interest in the Catholic Church – maybe now is the time to take a serious look at the Catholic Faith.
The RCIA program starts with a five week introduction into the Catholic faith, briefly touching on the foundational ideas. This gives people an opportunity to explore for themselves if the Catholic faith resonates with them.
For those who wish to proceed and move forward, we then move into five sections of five weeks each, that introduce the pillars of the Catholic faith – scripture, sacraments, the creed, morality, and prayer and spirituality. Most evenings start with a presentation followed by small group discussion and closing with a time of Adoration, which is a quiet time of prayer of reflection and prayer in the presence of the Lord.
Before beginning the formal RCIA journey each newcomer will meet with our priest. He will assist each person, on an individual basis, in a process of discernment about formally joining the Catholic Church, helping each one to tailor the RCIA journey to their personal needs.