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Welcome to St. Pius X Kelowna

Uplifting the Spirit, Nurturing Faith, Building Community.

Please check bulletin for more details.

Mass Schedule - St. Pius X Kelowna
Saturday: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am, 11:00 am & 6:00 pm
Tuesday through Friday: Rosary 8:30, Mass 9:00 am
Adoration/ Benediction: Every Friday
9:35 am to 10:00 am
Confession: Saturdays at 3:00 pm or by appointment

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Experience the beauty of
Our Catholic Faith & Italian Culture

January 26th following the 11:00 am Holy Mass
Lunch & Activities in the parish hall
Suggested donation at entrance: $10 per adult,
$5 per youth,
Children 10 and under are free (please sign up in foyer)
Tickets available after mass in the foyer or at
Loaves & Fishes on Lawrence Avenue
Join us for faith and community building!

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Dedicated to Christ and to Serving Others

At St. Pius X Parish, we believe that faith is made stronger through service to Christ and one another. By getting involved in the many ministries and volunteer opportunities available, you not only enrich your own spiritual journey but also strengthen our entire parish community.

Whether it’s through serving during Mass, supporting parish events, teaching, or reaching out to those in need, your unique gifts can make a lasting impact. Every role, big or small, plays a vital part in living out the mission of Christ and building a community of love, compassion, and faith.

Looking for a live streamed event? You can view our YouTube channel.

Join Us for Live Streamed Events in ST. Pius X Catholic Church Kelowna: Experience Mass and More on Our YouTube Channel!

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Find the Perfect Time for Mass During the Christmas, Advent, and New Year Season

As we enter the Advent season and prepare for the joyful celebration of Christmas, followed by the New Year, the Church offers numerous opportunities to come together in worship. Whether attending Advent Mass, the Christmas Eve services, or the New Year’s Day Mass, each occasion provides a moment to reflect on the blessings of the season and the gift of Christ. Join us in prayer, song, and community as we celebrate this sacred time and welcome the hope and joy of the coming year.

St. Plus X Roman Catholic Church

Sunday 09:00 AM , 11:00 AM & 6:00PM
Monday Closed - Church is Open
Tuesday Rosary 8:30, Mass 9:00 am
Wednesday Rosary 8:30, Mass 9:00 am
Thursday Rosary 8:30, Mass 9:00 am
Friday Rosary 8:30, Mass 9:00 am
Adoration/ Benediction Every Friday 9:35 am - 10:00 am
Saturday 4:00 PM
Confession Saturday 3:00 pm

Ministry Sign-Up

Are you ready to serve and share your talents with St. Pius X Parish Community, Kelowna? We welcome you to join one of our many ministries and contribute to the spiritual life of our church. Sign up today and become an active part of our faith family!



Assist the priest during Mass as an altar server. This is a great way for young parishioners to be involved in the celebration of the Eucharist.


Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Help distribute the Eucharist during Mass or bring the sacrament to those unable to attend. Be part of this sacred and rewarding ministry.



Proclaim the Word of God by reading scripture during Mass. If you have a love for scripture and public speaking, this role may be your calling.



Welcome parishioners and visitors, assist with seating, and help create a warm and inviting atmosphere at our liturgies.


Mass and Worship Services

Join us for regular worship services that bring our parish community together in faith and prayer. Our Mass schedule offers several opportunities throughout the week to deepen your relationship with Christ.

Sunday Worship Services

Sunday Worship Services

Celebrate the Eucharist with us every Sunday. Our services include readings, prayers, and the Holy Communion, inviting all to participate in the spiritual nourishment of the Mass. 9:00 AM 11:00 AM & 6:00PM. Saturday (Sunday anticipated Mass) at 4pm.

Youth Group Gatherings

Youth Group Gatherings

Our Youth Ministry hosts regular gatherings for young people to connect with their faith and each other. Programs for all grades (Junior and senior youth) offer spiritual development, service projects, and community-building activities.

Bible Study Classes

Bible Study Classes

Deepen your understanding of scripture through our Bible study classes. Join fellow parishioners in exploring the Word of God and how it applies to our lives today. Sessions are held weekly and open to all.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

At St. Pius X, we believe that service is an essential part of our faith. We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities through our many ministries, including Liturgical Ministries, Educational Ministries, and Other Ministries that support the parish and the wider Okanagan community. Volunteering is a great way to get involved, serve others, and strengthen our community.

St. Pius X Church

Join us this Sunday at 9:00am, 11:00am & 6:00pm on campus & online where we will have an encouraging message, a meaningful worship experience, and children liturgy your children will never want to leave! Children’s Liturgy every Sunday at 11am.

St. Pius X Roman Catholic Church

At St. Pius X Parish, we believe that faith is made stronger through service to Christ and one another.